
Big Bad Con 2017

Created by Sean Nittner

Big Bad Con is a tabletop and live action gaming convention for teens and adults happening October 13-15, 2017 in the California Bay Area. We're a completely volunteer-run non-profit and wouldn’t exist without our passionate volunteers, players, talented game-masters and game designers.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Heading to Origins!
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 07:14:09 AM

Hello wonderful people,

It's been a great week. We've hit two more of our stretch goals and revealed a few new ones as well! Thanks to all of you, we're bringing out Tracey Barnett from Exploding Rogue Studios and Jason Morningstar from Bully Pulpit Games. Collectively they will be running all manner of great games!

Two new stretch goal guests announced!

We're excited to reveal two more guests that we hope to bring out, Nadja "Tristarae" Otikor, who GMs on the Twitch channel misscliks, and Jared Sorensen, creator of Lacuna, InSpectres, and Parsely. Jared will run a weekend of Parsely games, including his newest Action Castle III and Dangertown Beatdown!

Heading out to Origins

The Wolf is packing bags and getting ready to head out to Origins. Will you be there? If so, I'd love to see you! Here's what I've got scheduled so far:

Thursday 8PM - Hosting Games on Demand in the Hyatt Fairfield room. Come by and play some great games, we'll have a lot of amazing stuff on offer.

Friday 8PM - GMing either Kagematsu or Blades in the Dark in Games on Demand. Come play with me!

Saturday 9AM and 2PM - GMing more games in GoD!

Sunday 10AM to 2PM - Demoing the Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game and character creation for Dresden Files Accelerated in the Evil Hat Booth (#131). Come by and check out all our new releases!

When I'm not on the schedule, I'll probably still be in Games on Demand or Booth #131 playing games and hanging out with awesome you!

Big Bad World at Origins Games on Demand

We're also bringing Big Bad World and will have playbooks available in Games on Demand. If you complete the basic four, we have some advanced playbooks as well!

So if you're around please come say hi. I'd love to see old and new friends alike!

Cons are amazing because you are amazing!
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Jun 05, 2017 at 09:23:28 PM

Hi all,

Sharing a few updates about stretch goals, new pledge levels, and then some more stories about awesome people!

Stretch Goals Unlocked

We've unlocked two more stretch goals and we're closing in on a third! Thanks to your support, excitement, and generosity we're bringing out Misha Bushyager and J Li. Expect some great panels, games, and also see J Li at A Week in SF!

Baba Yaga Gift Boxes - More of them!

Baba Yaga's gift boxes sold out quickly! However, Baba Yaga has stayed vigilant about finding contributors and tomorrow we'll add four more boxes to the pledge level!

Paw Prints - Signed Games!

Thanks to the incredible generosity of these books' publishers and creators, tomorrow at 12:00 pm (PST) we're opening the Paw Prints backer level, which will include a 3-day badge, Little Red's basket, and signed copies of these amazing games:

  • Blades in the Dark Special Edition
  • Torchbearer
  • Dresden Files Accelerated
  • Kaiju Incorporated Card Game

Plus a few mystery items to go with it. Thank you to Burning Wheel HQ, One Seven Design, Evil Hat, and Vainglorious Games for supporting the con and making this pledge level possible!

Conventions - A Wonderful Place to Meet Awesome People

As I was looking over the special guest list this year it struck me that that nearly everyone on there was someone I met at a convention. In Blood on the Bayou at SandCon, Alex Roberts played Tanith, the vampire whose sire my character killed. Juicy! In the same game Misha Bushyager played a werewolf who we were ostensibly at war with, but there was so much drama over lovers and betrayals that we never got around to it! Dev and I met playing Apocalypse World in Karen Twelves's Olive Garden playset. He played Domino, the cook that replaced T-Bone in a trade with the Brutalitarians. So much fun with such good people!

What I hope for every year, more than just putting on great games, is that people come together at Big Bad Con. Old friends reconnecting and new friends meeting. The most exciting part of the Kickstarter for me is seeing everyone who is signing up to attend! It's for all you wonderful folks that we put on Big Bad Con every year.

Last weekend I was at KublaCon, and in addition to playing many games (soooo many games), I got to see a lot of friends. Joseph "Bear" Thomson and I caught a photo together on the last day of a fun weekend. Good times!


Wild times in Walnut Creek
almost 7 years ago – Fri, May 26, 2017 at 02:47:27 PM

Day three of the Kickstarter and we've already hit another stretch goal. Tora Shae, a correspondent on, will be joining us at the con, and running Dead of Winter, Card Wars, and an Adventure Time: Elementals larp!

I'd like to share a story with you all that illustrates just how amazing our attendees are. Their investment in Big Bad Con is at times so astounding that they've earned an honorary place among our Wolf Pack staff.

Last year, late Saturday night, our staff discovered that our midnight Rock Band party was missing a pretty important piece...the entire Rock Band setup. Console, instruments, controllers—none of it was going to get there in time!

The staff fired up the Big Bad Signal (TM) on all our social media, we asked people in the halls, heck, I think we even checked if the hotel just happened to have something. And then, in our moment of greatest need, two heroes stepped forward.

Kate Hymes caught me in the hall and told me her friend Nick, who was playing in a game right then, might have a rig we could use, and would give us the keys to his place in San Francisco to go pick it up.

What followed was a frantic and hilarious trip across the bay as Kate accompanied me to let ourselves into Nick's apartment and find the Rock Band rig. Nick's roommate and his date had a jolly good time watching the two of us scour the various corners of their home to assemble the complete set.

We drove back, picked up some batteries at the gas station across the street, and set up the gear just in time for the party to kick off. And wow, did it ever! The crowd rocked the night away.

I'm not sure what adventures we'll encounter this year, but I can't wait to find out. And I'm incredibly grateful for our attendees, who are as passionate about making Big Bad Con awesome as I am.

Thank you all so much for making the best three days of my year possible!

- Sean, Big Bad Con steward

A smashing success!
almost 7 years ago – Thu, May 25, 2017 at 11:30:53 AM

Hello wonderful people,

We've done it! We've not only hit our funding goal but we've also passed through our entire first round of stretch goals. This means Laura Simpson, Dev Purkayastha, Alex Roberts, Kathryn Hymes, and Hakan Seyalioglu will come out to play games with us.

We've also collected $450 through our scholarship pledges so far. Yes!

I say this every year but I think this con will be our best yet. We've just got so many good things in store: a board game track, more space for Games on Demand, plenty of awesome events already submitted, the outreach program, and more that we'll be announcing soon.

Last year my favorite moment of the con was delivering Little Red's baskets with Jeremy Kostiew. We got to hear snippets of blaster battles, teenage romance, and horrors from the deep, all while delivering goodies. So good. I'm not sure what my best moment of 2017 will be, but I can't wait to find out!

Thank you all. You're the ones making this possible!

-Sean, steward of Big Bad Con